Много-много спойлеров на англ. языке о сюжетах 4х08-4х11, совет - не читатьJuliet drugs Serena, and makes it look like she's using again in some way, and so she ends up in the Ostroff centre. Vanessa and Jenny are helping Juliet take Serena down, but they don't exactly know what Juliet has planned or about the drugging; and Jenny doesn't decide to take down Serena by herself- Vanessa convinces her to come back to the UES at the end of 4x08 by telling her how she was poorly treated by the whole gang. Jenny feels sorry for her so she comes back to help Vanessa. Both Vanessa and Jenny don't see any harm in what they're doing with the whole Saints and Sinners thing, but they, as I said, don't know how big of a take down Juliet is planning. The whole scheme happens from 4x08 to 4x11 I think. Apparently the only people who believe Serena's not using are Dan and Blair (NOT NATE! EXCELLENT!), and that's why they plan to take Juliet down, whilst trying to figure out what happened with Serena at boarding school from Damien and what Juliet wants. Serena had already chosen Dan before she gets drugged, so it's apparently not because Nate didn't believe she wasn't using. He's also going to be dealing with his own stuff- his family & the captain in jail around 4x08-4x11. It's apparently clear who Serena chose before she gets drugged and no one believes in her- Dan. So Serena has made her choice, but DS don't get together (yet) because of all the drama. Vanessa is a sour puss, that's why she's helping Juliet take Serena down. I think she was hoping for a reconciliation with Dan () but then she finally realises just how strong Dan's feelings for S are, so she gets uber pissed(I'm just assuming this, but she is apparently pissed at Serena and everyone about the rumour thing). When Jenny finds out what really went down with Serena and Juliet's major plan, she comes back in 4x10 (no one knew she was back in Manhattan in 4x09 because she was in disguise at the party) because she's scared for Serena and she's pissed at Juliet so she tries to go after her, but Juliet convinces Vanessa to screw Jenny over and make her go down for everything, including what Juliet did. Jenny leaves at the end of 4x10 because she wants to, but also because Rufus thinks she planned the Serena thing(courtesy of Vanessa) so he wants her to go back to Hudson. Blair finds out from Jenny at the end that Serena isn't on drugs or losing her mind and that Jenny was involved with the scheme. She tells her it's all Juliet. Blair softens up to Jenny for telling the truth, and asks her to play double agent to help her with Juliet, but Jenny wants to leave, because she wants to stay 'good', I guess, so she says no. And so that's how the Dan/Blair alliance is formed- they plan to work together to take Juliet down. I don't know if Dan never believed Serena was on drugs from the start, or if it was because Blair told him. Same with Blair, I think she believed in Serena before she found out the truth from Jenny.
I got bits and pieces, and put them together. I'm not too sure how it's going to work, but I think S is still going to be confused about her feelings for both Nate and Dan, but she does clearly choose Dan- like we knew all along
I'm a little unclear about whether Serena really does choose Dan because he believed in her and Nate didn't, or because she simply loves Dan more. We'll jst have to find out when we watch I guess.
I'm assuming after 4x11 there'll be a break for the holidays, and 4x11 will end with a little bit of a DS cliff hanger.
But basically, from 4x08-4x11 it's apparently clear that the writers are in favour of DS rather than NS
As far as i know, after next weeks episode Juliet will have a video of Serena making out with Colin and when Vanessa sees that she'll think Juliet was right all along and it was Serena sending the email to professors (sex for grades) and thats why she'll team up with Juliet.
But both V and J don't know anything about Juliet's evil plans... All they want is to give Serena a lesson so she won't use ppl again. I know S doesnt deserve it coz she didnt do anything wrong. But that's what VJ will believe anyways.
But J is not stuipid so she soon realizes something is off with Juliet and she's the one responsible for everything that happened to S. She confronts Juliet but Juliet denies everything and later she just runs away. J goes and tells the whole story to B. And asks her to save Serena. But she is not willing to be part of the schemes any longer. She hates to be pulled into games/schemes so she goes back to Hudson again. I'm guessing after this scene, B goes to Dan, the 2 team up to take down Juliet.